...and you call me defensive.
Let's be clear. Like you, I'm an end user and have no association with Wordfence. In the past, I've made suggestions to the Wordfence developers. Some suggestions sounded good when I first suggested them, but later realized it wasn't really practical. Others held up after careful review and were implemented or on the ToDo list.
The Wordfence developers are smart guys who appreciate the needs of end users and also have a clear understanding on what hackers do and how they do it. When it comes to this point I think they are way smarter about it than either of us. In other words, give the Wordfence developers credit for listening to user's ideas and being able to discern their worthiness. They are not going to respond to any form of bullying.
Maybe you should consider unticking the option to immediately lockout wrong user names. You won't lose any ground to the hacker bots by giving them three tries to login before locking them out. For the length of time for the lockout is something you'll need to play with.
We're going to have to agree to disagree about hacker bots attempting user names other than "admin", "administer", or "guest". I can't explain why you haven't noticed this behavior, but assure you that it has been observed over a dozen and a half of my own sites and doubt that it happens only on my sites.
In the end it doesn't matter what either of us think (although, I strongly urge you to give users three attempts to login, but that is just my opinion). The Wordfence developers will take your idea into consideration...or not. All you need for them to seriously consider your idea is a cogent presentation of the benefits to the end user. Just because I don't agree with your viewpoint doesn't mean the Wordfence guys won't embrace your idea(s). If they don't maybe you should take time to reconsider another plugin like Login Lockdown. One thing I do like about this plugin is that it doesn't require the resources that Wordfence does (some have removed Wordfence and its tables and report their site loads much faster--something you can check for yourself.)