Hi ! I have this message after each scan :
WordPress core file modified: wp-includes/version.php
Filename: wp-includes/version.php
File type: Core
Issue first detected: 1 hour 4 mins ago.
Severity: Critical
Status Ignoring this file until it changes
This WordPress core file has been modified and differs from the original file distributed with this version of WordPress.
And it's classify severity with a red X.
For me it seems to be there since i've upgraded Worpress from 3.9.1 to 3.9.2 I'm not 100% sure. I deleted the $wp_local_package = 'fr_FR'; that is what is change in the version.php at line 37. But it comes back every scan. What can I do please? (I have the Premium license for two sites, but i don't have this message on the other one). Thank you to take a look to my message. Have a nice day.