Okay, I've upped the memory requested to 256MB, provider is giving me 512MB, I've added the memory_limit = "512M" to my php.ini, defined it in Wordpress' config file. I never had the 'scan photos as executables' checked. I've rebooted the server, even, to make sure the settings are loaded. I'm still getting this error: Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 35389440) (tried to allocate 54 bytes) in /homepages/7/d247834814/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/lib/wordfenceHash.php on line 328
I love the security issues this plugin addresses, but I may just have to forgo the scans. The plugins I have:
- Antispam Bee
- Coming Soon
- Contact Form Builder
- Custom Facebook Feed
- Disable Comments
- Leaflet Maps Marker
- MaxButtons
- NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster
- Options Framework
- Page Links To
- Simple Full Screen Background Image
- Smart Slider 2
- TwitterBootstrap Image Slider
- UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore
- Wordfence Security
- WPFront Scroll Top
- WP Twitter Feeds
I really like the fact that the Chinese and Russians are being blocked by this....