mikeotgaar on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] many failed login using an...
It's a botnet - was mostly operating out of Eastern Europe initally, but has spread everywhere now That "no_matches" is apparently a security loophole in some plugin (not sure which one) also see this...
View Articlemikeotgaar on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Can't Remove Automatic Update Nag...
The new automatic update thing - when turned OFF (the default setting) it sticks a nag message on top of all admin pages. Clicking "No Thanks" works on some sites, but doesn't work on one particular...
View Articlerobmuzo on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Immediately block the IP of users...
Hi, I am getting lots of attempted logins: attempted a failed login using an invalid username "admin". I can block them if I set the setting: Immediately lock out invalid usernames But I don't really...
View Articlerobmuzo on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Immediately block the IP of users...
Also, when setting Immediately lock out invalid usernames How does this block them? By IP? As I can't see any IP's being listed in the Blocked IP's section. So how would I unblock legitimate users?
View ArticleejDunf on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] loginFailValidUsername logged on...
I turned on automatic upgrades with the recent ability and now with the most recent wordfence (5.1.6) that occured this AM my login is no longer working. I checked the DB and the entries are being...
View Articlebahaa360 on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] "Enforce strong passwords" Feature...
I am in the process of considering the purchase of WordFence Premium and as I was comparing the security features to some popular Plug-Ins, it seemed that WordFence Strong Password enforcing is...
View Articlenewbiesite on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Multiple failed logins"
I don't understand why Wordfence would stop alerting us if there's a botnet attack? I too want to know about them. I'd rather not add strict rules to htaccess if I can help it. The last time I did that...
View Articlecajos1968 on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Immediatly block IP if URL advice"
Can some one confirm this is the way to configure the setting. I put in the full url. http://www.domain.com/xlmrpc.php Here is a printscreen. http://prntscr.com/45lol9 I don't see it working...
View Articlejejotte on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] a defect while trying to unlock an IP"
A user locked herself out by mistyping her password a few times. Wordfence is set to lock IPs for 24 hours. I log in and "unlock" her IP. She goes back to the login page and is rejected again. In...
View Articlesdayman on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Immediatly block IP if URL advice"
I know I've gotten this to work for xmlrpc.php, but have since removed the block. Are people accessing your site as http://www.example.com, or without the www? (example.com) Your entry looks like what...
View Articlesdayman on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Multiple failed logins"
I don't think they stopped the alerts, but just fixed the blank usernames so they now reflect the actual attempted username. The '' (blank) entries have stopped on my sites and am back to 'admin' and...
View Articlesdayman on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Immediately block the IP of users...
They're not Blocked IPs (from accessing the site). They're Locked out from Login (the second tab on that screen). How do you know admin,Admin isn't getting locked out? If you're testing from home, is...
View Articlesdayman on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordfence can't get the IP of...
Wordfence doesn't support IPv6. Disable IPv6 for your website. This is usually done via your cPanel, or whatever your host provider uses for a control panel.
View Articlesdayman on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] WordPress core file modified"
It's not always a threat, but I do go with WordFence's recommendations and restore the original file.
View Articlesdayman on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] How To Tell If Falcon Engine Is...
On the Performance Settings page, there's a checkbox to enable HTML code in the footer.
View Articlenewbiesite on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Multiple failed logins"
Yes, that's what I meant. But the blank usernames are legitimate attacks, right? I was only getting those alerts before the fix so now I don't get any.
View Articlechrisjackson on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] All Wordfence Sites Hacked"
No MailPoet for me. I asked if my server has MailPoet located anywhere on it and they said probably.
View Articlejodzeee on "Import/export settings for wordfence?"
I was wondering the same thing. I happened upon another post from 2 months ago that said an export function will be available in the near future....
View ArticleChangeAgent on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordfence can't get the IP of...
Thanks sdayman! Much appreciated. For my education, how do you know the culprit is IPv6? Can you see this in the code I posted? I had seen another post about IPv6 but could not figure how you could see...
View Articledoby on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Unable to see locked out ip address in...
Hi, I can not see locked out ip address in dashboard. I use Chrome and tried with Opera. Something is trying to output but nothing is displayed. I need to unlock my clumsy colleagues. thank you...
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