xiabingling on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] X-FORWARD-FOR IP address is not...
192.168.o.1 & to login the router?
View ArticleBarnez on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] How to decide when i have to change...
Changing the security level is a user decision only, from my experience. So you would be reasonable in setting it to level 2 for normal circumstances, and then manually increasing the level...
View ArticleCraig Hesser on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Suggestion - block locked-out...
Hi, A suggestion with a question in front. Is there a way to block an IP address throughout the Wordfence system? That would seem to be a logical move, since most of the break-in attempts are from...
View Articlesilico26 on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] stopping email notifications for...
Thanks.. was hoping to still get notifications for (the less frequent) theme updates, so maybe on a future release these will be separated.
View ArticleCaringLogic on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] WordFence Falcon and Cloudflare...
Wordfence is working flawlessly for us. Now we would like to activate WordFence Site Performance . My current setup: CloudFlare ON and "automatically minify JavaScript, CSS and HTML" enabled....
View Articlejamesk2011 on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordpress Commander"
Hi I am using a service called CMS Commander to manage all my wp sites. But it cannot get through the firewall. How can I get this to work? Thanks https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordfence/
View Articleminifruity on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordfence deactivating itself"
I was wondering if someone could help. Wordfence keeps being deactivated on its own every few days. It seems to happen when there is an update. I would then need to update Wordfence, then reactivate...
View Articlemontymcmahon on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Blocking repeated malicious...
Yesterday and last night, someone was trying to login to one of my sites repeatedly. They were using a nonexistent user name for each of these attempts. Normally, his happens every once in a while (not...
View ArticleThe Creative Tablet on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Infected Site"
I have Wordfence installed on my Wordpress site. All the plugins and Wordpress are updated, but I had someone change/hack some of the original Wordpress files. Wordfence posted the hacked files so I...
View Articlesdayman on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Infected Site"
Wordfence looks for vulnerabilities such as old or outdated plugins, weak passwords, or compromised files. Wordpress is delivered in a pretty secure state. Most hackers get in through weak passwords...
View Articlesdayman on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Blocking repeated malicious login...
My opinion is that it isn't worth the time to block specific IPs. They usually change. And if they're hammering away at invalid usernames, they're not going to make any headway. I bump up the login...
View Articledutteridge2013 on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] FATAL ERROR: Allowed memory...
Getting this Fatal error: message when trying to scan WordPress site Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 995695 bytes) in...
View ArticleOkoth1 on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] BUG: Prevent discovery of usernames"
There is an option on the Settings page that says: Prevent discovery of usernames through '?/author=N' scans I thought that ticking this option would prevent that people can check for usernames but...
View ArticlePaul on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] How to decide when i have to change my...
Hi Barnez, this is what i would supposed. Thanks for your answer. Regards.
View Articleferhatakguen on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Falcon Engine gets deactived...
Hello, Today I wanted to try "Wordfence Falcon Engine". After enabling it, it told me that it was not able to create the folder "wpcache". So I have created it manually and changed the permission of...
View ArticleAmyKelsch on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] high number of email notifications"
Hello: I am receiving a very high number of email notifications regarding "User locked out from signing in"- over 700 email last night. I wanted to find out if this meant there was some type of issue...
View ArticleSome Thing on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] high number of email notifications"
Same here. I set the maximum to 1 per hour (I wish there was a "per day" drop down menu in there!) but I still get over 24 per day. And also I unchecked many options for alerting, but alerts still come...
View Articlegreyhares on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Hackers looking for a folder...
@motorskillz - thanks for the suggestion but I can't replicate this and anyway it seems an odd way of handling a page not found ?!? Actually, I use the "rename wp-plugin" too AND I've noticed, just in...
View Articlecompanyv on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] When forcing strong passwords...
When I check the Strong Passwords setting box forcing strong passwords other users with administrator permissions get blocked with a "You must enable cookies" warning....
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