WFSupport on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordfence keeps disappearing?"
When you install it are you able to run a scan? tim
View Articlefreecybevna on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordfence keeps disappearing?"
Yes i am! It checks everyhing finishs normal. There are also no "important" issues (just that some files have changed because im using german translations)
View Articleperilouslypale on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] I keep getting this error...
Thanks Tim! That worked. :)
View ArticleWFSupport on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordfence keeps disappearing?"
I just have a feeling that something is weird with your server or database. Are your Apache servers load balanced between multiple servers? Tim
View ArticleWFSupport on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] I keep getting this error that...
Great! Thanks for using and trusting Wordfence Tim
View Articleperilouslypale on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] I keep getting this error...
Thanks! I must admit I was hoping it would find something bad to solve my problems but alas no such luck. ;)
View Articleallanit on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordfence admin-ajax.php...
Hi Tim I am using a child theme based on the twentyeleven theme.
View Articleallanit on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordfence admin-ajax.php...
Hi Tim Your last question got me thinking. So I temporarily changed the theme from the twenteleven child theme to the twenteleven theme, then to the twentythirteen theme, and finally to the...
View Articleallanit on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordfence admin-ajax.php...
Hi Tim Even more information. I deactivated the link-library plugin to see what would happen. Then while on the Wordfence scan page the wp-admin/admin-ajax.php fires off continually and as soon as I go...
View ArticleThe Fagan on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Problems upgrading or installing...
Been having problem updating to version 5.2.7 direct from my WP admin/plugin page. I leave off and try every now and again thinking maybe Wordfence haven't fixed the problem yet! But every time I try...
View ArticleBarnez on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Maybe a false positive."
I would check this with MailPoet. If it is a false positive, they will want to know that it is being flagged by Wordfence scans.
View Articlemwrusnak on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordfence admin-ajax.php...
I had a problem like this a long time ago, and I think it is caused by the option "Update interval in seconds" near the bottom of the Wordfence options page. Try changing it to 5 seconds, save the...
View ArticleWFSupport on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordfence admin-ajax.php...
Are you running live traffic view at same time? I have it installed on my machine and am still testing it. Tyr the solution that mwrusnak suggested and see if that helps. tim
View ArticleWFSupport on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Maybe a false positive."
And then have their plugin author reach out to ours. If Mail Poet says its legit then you can choose to ignore. tim
View ArticleWFSupport on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Problems upgrading or installing...
Ok, guys. I'm going top have to ask you respect the rules and create a new post and not hijack someone else's post. Every server is different and each pf you deserve to have your problem addressed and...
View ArticleWFSupport on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] I keep getting this error that...
Is it still maxing out? Run top from the command line in ssh and see what's hogging the processor. tim
View Articleperilouslypale on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] I keep getting this error...
Hi Tim. Thanks. Yes it is still doing it periodically. It is very random. I am doing that now. Don't really understand what I am seeing but so far I only see 2 commands running. Top and Bash. I guess...
View ArticleWFSupport on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] I keep getting this error that...
Yeah, it should show up in the list. Watch the %CPU and %MEM columns. If you see something taking up a huge percentage of memory or cpu , then that's...
View Articleperilouslypale on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] I keep getting this error...
Thank you so much for taking the time to help me with this. I've been so lost! Mine is showing literally 0.0! Yet my Resource Usage in cPanel is showing 25-50% at...
View Articleperilouslypale on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] I keep getting this error...
It actually just maxed out while I was replying to you. I had my ssh window open and no change. How does that even make sense? My add on domain should be under that login for ssh as well in case it's...
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