tah1174 on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordfence, Block IP Address not...
Hi, The Java is now enabled, but there is no change and no console starts when viewing the page. I am using FireFox 32.0.3, and have Java v7 Update71. I may not have been completely clear before, the...
View ArticleGreywolfComputer on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Live Activity Not Updating"
The scans work, just not the live activity view. I disabled the plugin, deleted it, then FTP'd the files and activated it again. Will see what happens.
View Articleswedeman on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Whitelisted IPs and Array entries?"
Uninstall with table delete didn't have any effect.
View Articlecrystalworlds on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordfence firewall prevent me...
Hi Tim I found the problem it was in the firewall settings. I changed then all back to unlimited and throtlle. What was happening, was, when I write a post and publish it, aweber good not communicate...
View Articlecrystalworlds on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordfence firewall prevent me...
Here is a picture of my firewall settings. See this link http://www.the-secret-of-manifestation.org/images/Capture5.JPG Maybe you can tell me what setting is preventing the communication with my feed....
View ArticleMichael Albers on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Whitelist to bypass all rules"
Hi Tim, Thanks for responding. Yes, it is. I know I can uncheck this, but then I won't get a message if someone logged in as administrator from an outside IP. I thought that the alert option would be...
View Articleinsuraati on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] WordPress core file modified -...
Hi Tim, I ran wordfence scan and it gave this error WordPress core file modified: wp-config-sample.php Is it safe to ignore this in future scans too ? And what does this exactly mean ? Hope not...
View ArticleStratus123 on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Logged Out as "" ???"
yup.. the site has been scanned, everything is secure and no security problems have been detected. I just had a quick look in the actual database to check that there wasn't a rogue account in there...
View Articlezampai on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] WordFence API error and Modified...
Yes ! It works perfectly. No more API error. :-) This is answerwing my question ! Does it explain also the fact that I have received this morning more than 150 wordfence mails from my website (user...
View ArticleDan Nita on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] What is this deleteme file and...
well tim...? any opinions? I use WF and NF (ninja fwall) and it seems my host has files I have never seen before... but when checking the cPanel no trace of those files...
View Articlebenchpress on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] 5.2.7 breaks login"
If I install 5.2.6, login works perfectly. With 5.2.7, it does not.
View ArticleCoreyrocks on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Some sort of brute force attack...
I have been getting a ton of "User locked out from signing in" e-mails today, like hundreds. I have pretty strict rules in place on my Wordfence options to autoblock so I'm not entirely concerned, it's...
View ArticleWFSupport on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Some sort of brute force attack...
Hi head over to our website (http://www.wordfence.com/) and watch attacks in real time on the home page. I see a huge increase of them since Tuesday so its possible your site is getting hit by them...
View ArticleWFSupport on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] 5.2.7 breaks login"
Can you post a lit of your plugins? Thanks! tim
View Articlecrystalworlds on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordfence firewall prevent me...
I am still having a problem with On the Facebook side. When someone clicked on the share button it would not load the picture and information into the popup box to be shared on Facebook, again this I...
View ArticleCoreyrocks on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Some sort of brute force attack...
Thanks Tim for the quick response and I definitely see what you mean.
View Articlebenchpress on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] 5.2.7 breaks login"
The active plugins are: Akismet BulletProof Security Contact Form 7 Installer WPML Multilingual CMS WPML String Translation I have tried deactivating BulletProof Security, but that does not change the...
View ArticleBenjamin Uzelac on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Secure cookies not honored"
Hello, I have a client who uses Symantec's site seal. They just forwarded the result of a site scan showing that some cookies on the site aren't secure. (can be sent via plain ole HTTP) I dug in and...
View ArticleWFSupport on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Webshells detected by virus...
That's not one of our file systems Can you zip the folder and send it to samples@wordfence.com? Thanks!
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