terry.g on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Fatal error: Cannot redeclare...
There is a function definition at line 432 of the wfGeoIP.php library that defines the function 'geoip_country_code_by_name'. This causes a fatal PHP error, because there is already a function by this...
View ArticleMa Official on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] 404 File Not Found"
Can't DL plugin. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordfence/
View Articleterry.g on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] 404 File Not Found"
It's a temporary issue with the Wordpress repository -- comes and goes. Try again. On failure, try again later.
View Articledrashok on "[NSFW] can wordfence and bulletproof security be combined"
Hi Synthia, Greetings. Good to know you use both the plugins. I admire features of Wordfence, which I believe is as good as their premium version. Wordfence unfortunately showed no response. I would...
View ArticleHigh Aspirations, Inc. on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] 404 File Not Found"
It is doing the same thing when updating the plugin from within WordPress. Tried again and success.
View Articleterry.g on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Fatal error: Cannot redeclare...
Well I still have not learned how to disable country-based blocking by manually manipulating the database. However, I was able to get Wordfence working again by enclosing the two functions (that...
View Articlewkk on "Question: disable wordfence plugin directly in WordPress DB."
Hello, I'm having run out memory problems in my website. I don't know yet what's happening and it is blocking me the access to wp-admin. Since wordfence is the plugin installed on my web with more...
View Articlebillc108 on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Block IPs of all 'admin' logins"
I'm putting my vote in for this as well. None of the sites I build (60+) ever use an "admin" user. If someone tries it, they should be forever banned. I'm also seeing a fair number of "administrator"...
View Articlebillc108 on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Better WP Security conflict."
Is Better WP Security putting new IPs there on the fly? If not, just mark the .htaccess file as "ignore until it changes". If Better WP Security *is* adding new IPs to .htaccess on a regular basis, I'd...
View Articlekangenguru on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordfence add 5 second delay to...
I am glad to have found Wordfence and installed the free version. However, I noticed that after I installed wordfence to my site it adds at least 4 to 5 seconds of delay. I used pingdomtools to measure...
View ArticleRamzii on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Scan terminated with error: WordFence...
Same error, dont see why. Any solution? im running version 3.6.8. Thank you.
View Articlemmicrosysm on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Ver. 3.6.8 will not block IPs"
Is the Block IP thing going to work every again? I used to be able to block IP's now they show blocked but still have access to site. Not Very happy seeing I paid for this product!! Either get this...
View Articlepsybertron on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Blocking Brute Force Attacks"
I see DreamHost is reporting a second consecutive day of brute force attacks aimed at WordPress, but affecting all their users. Is this just an ongoing hangover from those users that didn't fix their...
View Articlemmicrosysm on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] IP Blocking Broken"
IP Blocking Broken http://prntscr.com/14wtip http://prntscr.com/14wugd http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordfence/
View Articlepetee on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Fatal error: Cannot redeclare...
I had the same problem and did not find any support on Wordfence. Here is my solution that worked for me (but I am not sure if the problem will come back after a future Wordfence update) In:...
View Articleterry.g on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Fatal error: Cannot redeclare...
Yes. That is exactly what I did: enclosed the offending functions within if-not-function_exists blocks. But I didn't bother with the 'v6' versions of the functions. Thanks for the code example....
View Articledrashok on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] locked out (NSFW)"
(NSFW sexual health education web site) Hi Mark, Thank you for the adorable plugin, which safeguards my website. All my plugins are updated. What do I need to change so that every time the login page...
View Articledrashok on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] automatically block failed login...
I resolved this using "Immediately lock out invalid usernames". Thanks to Mark Maunder and his team for an adorable plugin.
View Articlewkk on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Question: setting maximum memory...
Hello, In wordfence configuration, the option "Maximum memory Wordfence can use" is initially set to default (256MB). I'm experimenting run out memory problems in one of my webs, so I would like to...
View ArticleReneODeay on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] automatically block failed login...
maybe it does work. but my once popular websites and blog are now just flooded with attempts on login or other administration links or inappropriate links, like for cheap drugs or other stuff. one in...
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