ChangeAgent on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Scan process ended after forking."
OK, is this it? (Only doing two lines as there are 500. 2014-02-20 16:34:55 Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use...
View ArticleLoneWolf95665 on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Combining these three plugins...
Yes.. I am steve@.... I decided to use a different tag not associated with insurance. I should have logged as LoneWolf95665
View Articlesteve.athenainsurance on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Combining these three...
It's me LoneWolf95665
View Articlemichaelruk on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] no longer receive e-mail alerts"
I was receiving e-mail alerts at the start of the week, they were coming through instantaneously but now I don't receive anything? Is there a problem with the wordfence servers?...
View ArticleServa on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Google Search issue"
Hi Mark Thanks for your post, I have been in a meeting and have just made the changes and set the scan in motion again now. Fingers crossed. Thanks again D
View Articlemdia on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] No list of infected files after scan"
Once the scan is completed I want to repair affected files. I am only offered in the 'New issues' field to go with 'Bulk operations'. If I take that route by clicking 'Select all repairable files' or...
View ArticleM on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Can't get the IP of clients"
Hi Mark, even before talking to the host, I can tell you that I have these rules added in my wp-config.php especially to fix the IP problem (comments were registered as if they were all posted by my...
View Articlecrmacdonald1 on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] WordFence - strict permissions...
Ahh, thank you so much for your reply. Yes, my operating system is 'Windows 7', so perhaps that's the reason for the inability to scan my site. I didn't know that :P
View Articlemichaelruk on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] no longer receive e-mail alerts"
The e-mail alterts that I am referring to are those that can be setup from the options panel to notify me of any actvity of admins who log in to my wordpress. They appear to have stopped working. I'm...
View Articleasyouwishaustin on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] How Long Should It Take"
I'm less technical than most here, so please forgive my ignorance. ....but is there a way to know how long it should take before Wordfence "settles down"? Here's what I expected: scan > bots getting...
View ArticleChangeAgent on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Scan process ended after forking."
Morning Mark, I phoned with my ISP again and they say this is the log. I have a link to access it called: Have a look at these pictures of the Error Log and the Access...
View ArticleServa on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Google Search issue"
Hi Mark Help please, it still isn't giving the info, it must ba hanging as you said, all day, all night and still nothing. Are there some other settings I can do? Thanks again D
View ArticleMCosmin on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordfence is scanning forever"
Nothing in the error logs. I think that something is wrong with mod_security. I tried this plugin on three websites: same configuration, same plugins. On the first website the scan doesn't work. On two...
View Articlelborgman on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Change the options link in mails"
Please change the links in mail messages for multisites. For example this: SITE-URL/wp-admin/admin.php?page=WordfenceSecOpt Should for multisites be:...
View ArticleRobinInTexas on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] WF IP block vs. .htaccess"
I use shared hosting, and with over 60 & growing ranges blocked, I got frustrated diagnosing server errors when the last 300 lines were mostly filled with "ip 123.456.132.465 denied due to server...
View Articleaspasa on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] WF IP block vs. .htaccess"
as most of mine are Ruskian I redirect them to - it's in Russian if that's where you're botting from!
View Articleaspasa on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] WF IP block vs. .htaccess"
@mark yes, indeed from The Jackal!
View ArticleRobinInTexas on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] WF IP block vs. .htaccess"
I would not want to risk annoying an attacker, it's one thing to block them, they expect that. But they might take it personally if you pick on their site and send all your unwanted traffic to them. In...
View Articleclintie on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Google Search issue"
Hi, Did you resolve this? This looks identical to my issue: I have Wordfence installed and it picked up nothing. I am currently running a check on image files as executable, public facing site...
View ArticleWordfence on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Combining these three plugins...
Quoting your message and replying inline prefixed by MDM: Thank you for the suggestion. I have contacted the hosting company. I have a dedicated server with 8gig of memory. The process records show...
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