newtonsongbird on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Upgraded to v5.0.4, but now...
Coriander, Thank you for pointing that out, I didn't realize the option to disable the Heartbleed scan was there. That enabled my scan to run normally.
View Articlezztype on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] * This file appears to be malicious"
Mark, Thanks so much for your note, and your great plug-in! Blaine
View Articlenetcentsii on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] SCANS will not complete"
Mark: I have no idea of what you're referring to. This is the first I've heard of that. Yeah!!! Thanks.
View ArticleWordfence on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Malicious file warnings, scan...
OK so the specific issue we're addressing here is the one @shoopi posted above where you do a scan, the status says you have some issues but the issue list says "Congratulations you have no issues" in...
View ArticleRobertHarm on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] False critical warning when Maps...
Hi, I am the developer of Leaflet Maps Marker (free version) respectively Maps Marker Pro (premium version, A user reported that a Wordfence scan showed a critical warning within my...
View ArticleWordfence on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] False critical warning when Maps...
Hi Robert, We added detection recently for malware that was using str_replace along with lambda functions e.g. $myVarContainingFunctionName(); The hope was that very few legit plugins/themes would have...
View ArticleRobertHarm on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] False critical warning when Maps...
Hi Mark, thanks a lot for the quick response & fix, really appreciated! best, Robert
View ArticleWordfence on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Feature request: IP Blocking"
Thanks for the suggestion, I've made a note of it. Regards, Mark.
View ArticleWordfence on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Malicious file warnings, scan...
To be clear: When we release the permanent fix you can then reenable the two options I suggested disabling above. Regards, Mark.
View ArticleDrProtocols on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] False Malicious File Reports...
Hi Support Getting reports like this (***removed*** is by me): This file appears to be malicious Filename: ***removed***/aws-sdk/lib/cachecore/cachecore.class.php File type: Not a core, theme or plugin...
View Articlechuckingit on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] * This file appears to be malicious"
@Mark - ditto on what zztype said -> greatly appreciate the Wordfence love and responsiveness - kudos to you and your Wordfence team!
View Articlekapkan on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Using mysql while under attack"
I have 9 wordpress and 1 vbulletin forum. I am using a shared hosting package which has a concurrent user limit (10). (Fatcow) Is Wordfence spending mysql queries to prevent brute force / vulnerability...
View Articleianbrownmedia on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Upgraded to v5.0.4, but now...
Have emailed as you requested.
View Articlescottmliddell on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Site doing porn redirect but...
Mark has confirmed that Wordfence has been updated to protect against this exploit.
View Articlenewbiesite on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Your Site Activity in Real-Time...
Ok, so the problem is resolved. After the update, another caching plugin I use was interfering with the Life Traffic. I disable that plugin, enabled live traffic and then enabled the caching plugin...
View ArticleWordfence on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Site doing porn redirect but clean...
Marking this resolved if you're OK with that. We're detecting this now. Regards, Mark.
View ArticleQuickSolutions on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] ''No events to report yet''...
Still waiting for reply...... Anyone?
View Articlerayhand2k on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Install errors in Wordpress with...
F:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress-fb\wp-includes\update.php on line 435 what i have to do?
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