AME Network on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Too many unresolved problems here"
This plugin sounds great on its face, but from what we see in the support forum, it has way too man unresolved problems. We wouldn't even want to test it until more issues appear to be resolved....
View Articlegpapin on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Falcon truncate .htaccess file right...
Just for the record, I am using the free version, and I installed it on a fresh Wordpress install (v3.9) The only plugins I have are Akismet, and Crayon Syntax Highlighter If you have more informations...
View ArticleBarnez on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Large Number of Failed Logins"
I see repeated admin login attempts on my site also. As you have changed your username, use a strong password and are blocking repeated attempts from the same IP you should be very safe indeed. On...
View ArticleHR_Web on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordfence API to resolve IPs failed"
Hello, We're getting this error when we login into Wordfence: Call to Wordfence API to resolve IPs failed: We received an error response when trying to contact the Wordfence scanning servers. The HTTP...
View ArticleWordfence on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordfence API to resolve IPs failed"
Hi, We were performing some maintenance this morning between 7:45am and 8:40am US Eastern Time on our scanning server. Try again and it should be fixed. Regards, Mark.
View Articlethechaosz on "Help!! I'm being locked down by wordfence"
Please Help I'm being locked myself by wordfence cause he said that I clicked too much, so now I'm being locked up and throttled, can somebody help me here?? Thank u very much...
View ArticleWordfence on ".backup_warnings wordfenceClass?"
Hi, That looks like a BackupWordPress issue and I'd contact them with that question. Regards, Mark.
View ArticleTom Willmot on ".backup_warnings wordfenceClass?"
Backupwordpress catches php errors that occur whilst it's running a backup, looks like wordfence is throwing a notice, that's something you'll want to fix in wordfence.
View ArticleHDcms on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] non-unique API key"
Hi, I duplicate my site with the plugin duplicator So I have several times the same API Key ! Is this a problem? How to generate a new key? Sorry for my bad english Regards
View ArticleWordfence on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Permanent Block when attempted...
For this reason, it would be great is Wordfence enabled a feature whereby we could nominate the specific common hack usernames such as "admin" to permanently block. This will be in the next release....
View ArticleWordfence on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] How to block ip seperated by ,"
Hi, You shouldn't need to manually block so many IP addresses. Can you tell me where you are seeing IP addresses that you're blocking? Regards, Mark.
View ArticleWordfence on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordfence scan not completing."
Thanks for both of these reports. The undefined variable AND the ob_end_clean warning. Both of these issues have been fixed and will be included in the next release. The beta will be released Friday....
View ArticleWordfence on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Wordfence scan not completing."
Also just to be clear: We fixed the issue that was causing the basedir restriction warning to fire also. Regards, Mark.
View Articlegr1298 on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] wfHoover table is huge. What's the...
Oh, I am having the same issue with wfHoover - taking 1/3 of my DB too, well I need to say that one of my sites is not using robots or external indexing because is membership closed... so I don't need...
View ArticleWordfence on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Feature request: hostname blocking"
Please visit the following file in the source code of WP-Ban: Scroll down to line 181. See where it calls gethostbyaddr() That does a...
View Articlejmkt on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Large Number of Failed Logins"
Excellent. Will be a great help. Many thanks.
View ArticleWordfence on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Error opening events page"
Hi, It looks like you're using Nginx and I think what's happening here is that either your server is serving gzipped content and not telling the browser it's compressed, or it's double compressing...
View ArticleWordfence on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] too many false positives for WP...
Done. We found 17 new files which are now marked safe in the first ZIP and 3 files in the second one. Try again and let me know if that helped. Regards, Mark.
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