253david on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Reporting Bots"
I am wondering if the Wordfence team is still reporting bots to ISPs? I hope you are. Most of them are on hacked websites. I end up reporting about 10 a week and I usually get feedback that they were...
View ArticleCrunchyData on "wordfence not spotting modified plug-in files"
Adding to my previous comment: Make sure you check the Wordfence "Scan Detailed Activity" section of the scan page in the Wordfence dashboard for a list of potential malicious files. Wordfence will...
View ArticlednaWP on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Admin Ajax problem"
Just wanted to correct a mistake I made above, I just doubled checked the error I was/am getting - it is a 403 error (forbidden) when the admin-ajax.php file tries to load up the following script at:...
View Articlesdayman on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Admin Ajax problem"
Ah, I see. You think Wordfence is triggering something at your host provider that's blocking you. That shouldn't happen. I've had my host completely block my home IP address over excessive SSH/SFTP...
View Articlesdayman on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Conflict with WP SUPER CASH ?!"
I wouldn't run SuperCache at the same time as Worfence's cache. Pick one. I don't use JetPack, but haven't heard of any issues. I use Cloudflare and it works well with Wordfence. Wordfence is pretty...
View Articlesdayman on "Wordfence Security - Your DNS Records Have Changed"
I have multiple sites on Cloudflare. Cloudflare would periodically change the IP address of *one* of the sites. Each time, Wordfence would alert me, so I'd check Cloudflare's IP address range list and...
View Articlepbsbluejay on "Wordfence Security - Your DNS Records Have Changed"
sdayman... Thanks for responding. You are right about Cloudflare and I checked the IP address as you did and found it to be Clouflare. Wordfence was comparing my Old DNS records (A record) which is the...
View Articlechrisjackson on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] All Wordfence Sites Hacked"
Webhostinghub never told me how the other accounts got hacked the same way mine did. They said that a new user was added through the database tables and then then user signed on or had a script that...
View Articlemikkey0001 on "wordfence not spotting modified plug-in files"
CrunchyData, thanks for the info. Never had Mailpoet installed on any of my own sites, but I am on a shared server so who knows what else is on there. I ended up doing a restore ~(twice)and manually...
View Articlewilsonf1 on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] No WordFence menu option on the left"
I've just added WordFence to two of my websites on the same server. The first install went perfectly fine and the WordFence option under settings appeared fine. The second activation - nothing...
View ArticlednaWP on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Admin Ajax problem"
slowly getting to the bottom of this... The Live Traffic panel seems to be one of things that is tripping the mod_security - it doesn't like the fact that "Live Traffic" is calling admin-ajax so many...
View Articlesurrogatekey on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Tons of login attempts with...
Hi, I have Wordfence set to immediately lockout invalid usernames, which is working fine -- but I'm getting a continuous stream of login attempts with different invalid usernames, and coming from a...
View Articlesdayman on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Tons of login attempts with invalid...
That's par for the course. They'll probably eventually give up. One way or another they'll be hitting your site. You can check your server logs to see if they're using a particular bogus user agent you...
View Articlesdayman on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Admin Ajax problem"
I don't use Live Traffic, but I do have my update interval set to 60. I think it also affects the scan windows. Upping your interval should also reduce the load on your server.
View Articlekokoruz on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Saleforce.com"
I have a script that sends all my form info to Salesforce.com. After I installed Wordfence my form processing stopped send to Salesforce. It's still collecting in my local db but it just isn't being...
View Articlesdayman on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] No WordFence menu option on the left"
Since nobody's answered, try a do-over: Go to Wordfence options and click the box to turn on "Delete Wordfence tables and data on deactivation?" Deactivate the plugin. Delete the plugin. Re-install.
View Articlekay9 on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Update Error - v 5.1.7"
Getting this error message when trying to update the plugin to 5.1.7 (inside the WP admin area): Updating Plugin Wordfence Security (1/1) Downloading update from...
View Articlekay9 on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Update Error - v 5.1.7"
Uninstalled 5.1.6, then tried to reinstall the latest version (5.1.7) from scratch, and got this error: Installing Plugin: Wordfence Security 5.1.7 Downloading install package from...
View ArticleJW555 on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Tons of login attempts with invalid...
They execute this attacks with a machine that uses a list of free proxies. I have several sites protected and looking at the alerts I see that they load a proxy IP and then attack all the sites in...
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