jrivett on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Login security not working"
On the Wordfence IP Blocking page: IPs that are blocked from accessing the site - currently all I see here are IPs I've blocked manually - yesterday there was also a ten minute block that happened...
View ArticleWFSupport on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Login security not working"
Ok so the page is working which means no java script errors, which is what I thought. let me email the dev team for ideas I maybe am missing. tim
View Articleawardbee on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Random .php files in core folder...
Hi there Tim! I did do all the steps in the guide. I had Wordfence clean out both Wordpress blogs that I run, both of which were hacked. :( I think they must have a backdoor or something, and maybe...
View Articlexrundel1 on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Clear all blocked IP doesn't work"
Error from error console: ============================================================== sorry, wrong errors, working on it
View Articlephillcoxon on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Comparing plugins / core against...
Hi there! Thanks for the awesome plugin. I've just found a number of hidden php files on a malware infected client site - hidden in WP core and a couple of plugins. Running the WordFence scans...
View Articlephillcoxon on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Comparing plugins / core against...
I just looked at the repo and found it's already in WordFence: https://github.com/wp-plugins/wordfence/blob/master/lib/unknownFiles.php I just can't see how to trigger this through the WordFence...
View Articleillusiodesign on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] wfBrowscapCache.php while...
Thanks for the speedy response! We discovered our client was running out of disc space on the server. So everything is all good now, cheers.
View Articleyourpfpro on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Site was hacked with spam :("
So my site was hacked with spam at some point in the last week or so (not even sure) I'm guessing. Basically the hackers just created a bunch of spammy pages with links, etc I went into google...
View Articleyourpfpro on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Site was hacked with spam :("
Looks like spam pages are actually still there. Here's an ex: http://therideshareguy.com/?index.php=work-from-home/work/ Ran another scan: This file appears to be malicious Filename:...
View ArticleStadsloppan on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] WF auto updated from:
It was interesting. A long post comes here. (I am from Sweden so I use google sometimes) I don´t know if this information is importent in this. I haven´t that plugins Wordfence, should I use it? I have...
View Articlestarapple on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Unable to access Admin or Public...
Hi Tim, Thanks for your response. As you correctly said, being on a virtual host (GoDaddy) I'd hardly have access to php5.ini or setting memory levels. (Now what if Wordfence was using too much?) The...
View Articlemwrusnak on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Problems with file versions"
I have seen this happen with a few other plugins, often just from the plugin author changing the comments and not actual code. (Especially when a new WordPress version comes out, some authors will...
View Articlemwrusnak on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined...
The error above could also be caused by someone (probably a bot) trying to directly access http://yoursite.com/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/lib/wfUnlockMsg.php Accessing the file without having...
View Articlewebby1973 on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] WordFence API error: An error...
Hi, I'm getting this error while trying to see the differences in files of a plugin I'm using (WPPizza): "WordFence API error: An error occured trying to open the requested file." I updated the plugin...
View ArticleKevin on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Cache clearing"
Does the Cache get cleared each time a new post is added? I understand the cache is cleared when plugins are updated, but not sure of the need to clear the entire cache if a new post is added. Quite a...
View Articlemichaldybczak on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Problems with file versions"
I changed the status as "not resolved" because today the problems showed again. Suddenly Wordfence showed warning about many files of WPSSO plugin with the same issues as described above, that is:...
View ArticleWFSupport on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Problems with file versions"
@michaldybczak We do not control how another plugin author adds to his code. We can't make them follow proper procedure. If they choose to edit code without making an update they can, even though WP...
View ArticleWFSupport on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Cache clearing"
There is an option to clear cache after a scheduled post is made. Are you running Falcon or the basic caching? tim
View ArticleWFSupport on "[Plugin: Wordfence Security] Problems upgrading or installing...
So, you are uploading the plugin by ftp or just changing permissions and trying in the backend again? tim
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